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ArtStart Collage Art by Derryn
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ArtStart®️ Mixed Media Art Course Normally $397

Today Only $147

ArtStart®️, the online mixed media painting course that is for beginners who want to learn where to start & intermediate artists who want to learn everything that they need to know about acrylic painting to create beautiful works of art or stunning art journal pages.
If you have the desire to live a more creative life or if you are an artist who is 'creatively' blocked & needs to have some fun playing with paint again, ArtStart is for you.
No need to know how to draw (though I'll give you tips on that too), with ArtStart, you just need the desire to free your inner artist, to let your inner child out to play & you'll learn everything you need to know to create lively, colourful, beautiful paintings of your own.
With ArtStart®️, you'll receive a mixed media tool box of easy to understand art classes that explore everything that you need to know to express yourself creatively with acrylic paints & more.
Not only will you be painting straightaway but you will also be learning how to find your own voice to make great expressive paintings.
Unlike other classes that show you how to paint one picture, I give you the tools so that you can , if its your heart's desire, paint 100's of pictures.
I share with you everything I've learned in my many years of living a creative life including artists secrets (shhh) and more.
We'll make our own art journals that you can work in or the projects can be completed on canvas, it's your choice.
Either way, you'll have fun learning with ArtStart®️. I've even left in my 'oops' so you'll learn how to correct your mistakes & incorporate them into your paintings or art journal pages. 
ArtStart®️ Online Mixed Media Art Classes include:
  •                          All the Tools you'll need & how to use them including working with a                        paintbrush, brayer, palette knife & objects from around your house
  •                           Colours- how to make every colour in the rainbow, an easy way to                             understand the colour wheel & colour schemes that work            
  •                             Composition - the framework for making your paintings awesome.                             Get an easy to follow framework for your own ideas & paintings.
  •                            Value - the dance of the lights & the darks in your painting. Learn                            the secrets of value to create drama in your artwork.
  •                             How to get variety in your colours with tints, tones & shades.                                   Learn all the ways to apply paint with different tools & ways to                                 hold your brush to get interesting marks
  •                             Colour schemes that are easy to understand & will make your                                   paintings work
  •                              Adding Layers to your work with paint techniques, stenciling,                                   collage & more to make expressive backgrounds & compositions
  •                                How to make your own stamps from easy carve rubber and                                      craft foam, save hundreds of dollars making your own!
  •                                   Acrylic mediums - what mediums to use to extend your paints,                         create texture & add interest to your artwork
  •                                 How to make collage papers & how to use them to add interest to                              your work
  •                                 Creativity meditation to unlock your creativity &                                                        calm a stressful mind 
  •                                    I'll take you through all the steps of a simple landscape                                            painting so that you can take any of your photos & make                                         them into successful paintings
  •                                    No need to know how to draw as you'll have PDF downloads                                        of  all motifs (subjects) used in the videos.
  •                                      Dedicated Facebook group where you can post your work &                                      ask questions.
  •                                       If you are stuck finishing a painting, I'll gladly help                                                 you resolve it
  • Learn techniques that will help you to relax & live a more creative life
  • Videos are yours to keep forever & downloads of ​collage papers, colour wheels, colour relative value scale, subject motifs and more are free!
                   For a limited time you will receive ABSOLUTELY FREE
                                                3 BONUS ArtStart online art classes                                                                                 -How to make Collage Papers.                                                                                       -Artists Secrets Part1-5 (sshhh- never revealed before) &                                                       -Gelatine (Gelli) Plate Printing                                                                              
Acrylic painting tools
Display of colours with question marks
Compositional Grid, showing focal point over painting of 'Free As a Bird' Art by Derryn
The 3 major tonal values
Getting different brush marks
Cutting out handmade collage papers
Layers in creative paintings
Carving stamps with ArtStart
Applying gesso to a page
ArtStart Colour Wheel
Drawing a tonal image p[lan of a photo to paint
Medicine Woman motif outline for foam stamp

Enrol Today to receive access to

Artstart®️ Online Mixed Media Art Classes:

✨18 ArtStart Artist Classes to get your art started right now that cover -
  • tools you need
  • how to make a journal
  • understanding the colour wheel
  • mixing colours
  • ways of applying paint
  • colour schemes
  • tonal value & the relative values of colour
  • composition, how to make your painting flow
  • mixed media layers
  • acrylic washes
  • acrylic mediums
  • stencilling
  • foam & rubber stampmaking & use in mixed media
  • painting 'in the negative'
  • gelatin(gelli) plate printing, how to make your own gelli plate
  • collage papers & their uses 
  • mark making & more!
✨Free PDF downloads of everything you'll need for the course including
  • tool lists
  • personal colour wheel
  • tonal value & relative colour values
  • drawing motifs (outlines)
  • stockists
  • how to make your own gelatin (gelli) plate
Membership to the exclusive ArtStart Artists Mates Facebook group 


For Today only

5 'Artists' Secrets' classes valued at $125 absolutely free
2 Gelatine (Gelli) Plate Printing classes valued at $70


30 day Money Back Guarantee

If you are not totally satisfied with your ArtStart®️ Mixed media Art Course, I'll return your money no questions asked!

Today Only $147(AUS) (normally$397)


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