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7 Steps to Creative Fun or What is Art Journaling?

So, what is Art Journaling?

Art journaling is using a mixed media art journal with paints, markers, crayons, pastels, pens, stencils and stamps and anythingelse you can get your hands on to creatively express yourself.

It's a place to experiment without having to commit to a large canvas.

So how do we start?

1.Grab a mixed media art journalor make your own (see my free video 'Make an Art Journal for under $10(AUS) click

2. Grab colourbe that acrylic paints, white or black gesso or pens, watercolour, pastels or crayons (see my free video on colour to know what to buy from the art store and how to make all the colours of the rainbow. Click

3.Grab a paint brush, a palette knife, stencils

4.Cover your pagewith gesso using a palette knife 

5. Add colour with paintbrush and texture with stencils.

6.Add a focal point. Here you could cut out a picture from a magazine or draw your own. Remeber to put your focal point in one of the 'sweet' spots (shown below)

 7. Add words to descibe your day or feelings (large or small) or write in asemic writing (scribble writing that no one can read - see below in my journal page 'the feathers were flying') and your done!

The following are images from my own art journal and you can see in the image below, it's where I created my ArtStart Logo.

It's a place to record memories or feelings.

Here I had had an argument with one of my daughters, so it was off to my studio and my art journal to my express my feelings...just breathe...

It's a place to experiment with new products or techniques. Below is a 'failed' watercolour where I was trying out a new colour of red. Waste not want not, I stuck it in my art journal.

To learn all the techniques shown above and so much more, enrol in my

ArtStart Online Creativity and Acrylic Painting Classes by clicking here

and you'll get ArtStart for the limited discounted price of $397 (saving $102)!

That's 18 video artist classes online plus free downloads and a private Facebook page to have your questions answered & show your work.

ArtStart, it's everything you ever wanted to know to get your art started!

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