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Hello Beautiful People,what would you do with a painting that is too busy?

Hello Beautiful People,

Hope you are all happy and healthy.

What would you do with a painting or print that is too busy?

Chuck it in the bin? Burn it? Use it as compost?

Okay, calm down, be nice, we’re not going to do any of those.

Instead, in my latest ArtStart Mixed Media Art Class, I’ll teach you the art of negative painting.

And no, that is not painting while you are in a bad mood (though painting is known to relax you and can make you feel happier, I digress).

To paint in the Negative, is to paint around an imagined element to bring it forward from the background of the painting.

Here, I chose a colour from my background (blue green) and mixed a mid and light value on my palette.

I painted around my elements using an angled flat brush. You might find it easier to outline your shapes before you paint around them.

To add variety, I painted some areas in thick paint , some in thin, some in mid value, some in light value.

Next I adjusted the values (darkness and lightness) of my painting by adding magenta red as my 'dark' and yellow/green and white my 'lights'.

I finished this painting off using a Sigma white pigment ink pen to add outlines and doodles and don't forget to sign your piece.

If you haven't already, click above to watch the class and for more info on my ArtStart Courses click here


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