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How to Start An Artwork, Journal Page or Any Project...

Updated: Feb 11, 2019

Watercolour painting

Everything begins with a thought or an emotion.

Something that you feel that you want to do, express or create.

Therefore, there isn't anything that isn’t valid.

It is your idea, your emotion, your creativity & how you choose to express that is completely up to you.

But I hear you say, ‘I don’t know where to begin’ or 'I can't get started' or 'I don't have any ideas'. Now, between you and me, that’s just fear talking and I’ll show you how to over come that.

The easiest way I’ve found to overcome ‘ I don’t know how to begin...etc’ is to do just that.


Show up to your easel, art journal, computer or your notepad & just start.

Like many artists, I have way too many ideas & I need to narrow my focus. I do that by firstly choosing a subject. If it's for an art journal page I may choose just a single word or colour to get me started.

I often research my subject thoroughly before putting brush to paper by searching through my own photos or doing internet searches & looking through books before sketching out an idea. If it is an new project, I do the same.

I will play with my own photos by changing filters, colours, light levels & contrast in apps on my iPad. I use sketching apps to try out different colour combinations & compositions.

There are so many tools available for us to use now to inspire us. I sit with some ideas for months but some come so quickly that I race to catch them on the paper.

The goal here is to just start.

Blockout that voice that says ’I don’t know, I can’t...’ & only listen to the one that says ‘I can, I know...’

You CAN express yourself & you do KNOW HOW to do it.

You CAN come up with new ideas & you DO KNOW HOW to do it.

What’s the worse that can happen?

You make an unsuccessful painting, journal page, idea or project.

That’s okay. At least you tried & you will have learned something in the process.

I cleaned out my art cupboard the other day and found a stack of my old paintings. I went through them & kept some, threw some in the bin & others I saw the potential of how to resolve them into better paintings.

It felt great to let go & chuck out the ‘failures’ because let’s face it, not everything we create is ’great’ & it is only a piece of paper or a canvas that can be recycled.

If an idea or project didn’t work out, that’s okay

At least you tried and will have a better idea how to proceed in the future.

So let’s recap:

1. Calm the negative thoughts that tell you you can’t ( my free ‘Creativity Meditation’ video is a simple way to calm you down )

2. Begin

3. Research, jot down ideas in a journal, learn new techniques

4. Complete your artwor, idea or project!

Don’t let fear hold you back from starting new artwork or any project because there is really only one thing that you need to do,


For more information on my free online art classes go to

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