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I'm Sorry...

I've been having one of those days.

You know the ones where you discover, for no rhyme or reason, your website hosting service has suddenly stopped optimising your site for mobile and now your mobile site looks like S#&T!

And of course you discover this on the only day the sun has decided to visit us this summer. So you manually go through each page and 're'optimise it, while glancing out the window with longing looks, watching the clock tick over as the afternoon slips away from you.

Then you discover more 'do-do', download buttons no longer work and you decide it's time to write you all an apology!

So I'm sorry if you've been to my site on your mobile and couldn't find what you needed or been unable to download your freebies.

Today, I have hopefully fixed it all and I've included 2 extra, new gelliplate prints for you to download for free to use in your art journaling pages plus a new ArtStart Mixed Media Art Class to show you how it's done.

Red, teal and yellow gelatine plate print of girls with strong arms, sun rays hearts arrows
Girl Power Gelliplate Print free to download (click on image)

So download the pdf, have fun with it, and if you like, tag me in Instagram @art_by_derryn and show me what you came up with.

I would love to see your work! Hope you had a better day than me and if not remember tomorrow is a new day, wipe the slate clean and start again.



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